Wednesday, July 6, 2022

magazine design


Wednesday 29th June 

LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions

Wednesday 6th july

Wednesday 20th July

www: i like my new cover

ebi: if i had more time to make it

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

shot composition

 L:O/ to understand the basic rules of shot composition 

15th june

depth of field 

                                             deep focus


                                            shallow focus

photographing people

Wednesday 22nd June 


l:o/ to explore composition and perspective 

'IMG_0214.jpg' failed to upload.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

introducing media to representations

Wednesday 8th June  

the media offers the audience an interpretation of the world 


a stereotype is a generalised representation of a person place or thing . they are limited and often offensive or used for comedy.

nanny- brown haired women short   female 

nurse- blonde short female 

teenager- short blonde get the badge in

Astronaut- white suit male white man 

footballer-white and black male athletic

opera fan- white old women with money

teacher-old women glasses blouses 

tattoo lover- motorbike gang rock music muscle male bald long beard 

are stereotypes reinforced?

how do people act?

what do they say?

what surprises you?

girls are being represented as disruptive,loud,annoying

one of the teachers is represented as a comedian and an entertainer and energetic 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 L/O: to explore and understand how to use inDesign for magazine layouts

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

magazine cover design: masthead

they all have main images with big titles and cover lines 

they have big writing 

short names 


Wednesday 11th may

lo:to use adobe illustrator to create an  effective magazine masthead{uk rap}
2.drill daily and black writing with a bold font

i prefer the purple one at the bottom because the text is closer and i created more outlines 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

magazine front covers

 lo:to identify the features on a magazine3 front cover;to explore genre codes and conventions 


the title of a newspaper or magazine used to attract people to buy the magazine


when it was issued 

main images

A well-designed cover has the magic formula to create curiosity about the inside content and thus, compels to the onlooker to buy and read the stuff. Therefore, the magazine cover acts as a catalyst to bring in more sales. biggest image on the paper 
cover lines
coverline (plural coverlines) A line of text on the front cover of a magazine, briefly describing and promoting the content.\
main cover line

A headline on the front cover of a magazine advertising a story or feature inside.
rcodes are applied to products as a means of quick identification. They are used in retail stores as part of the purchase process, in warehouses to track inventory, and on invoices to assist in accounting, among many other uses.
When it comes to marketing, a tagline is your business' mantra; it tells people who you are and what you stand for in a few succinct words. The purpose of a tagline is to create a positive, memorable phrase that sticks in your customer's head and helps them identify your brand and your marketing message.
pull quote
a significant passage in an article, story, book, or speech that is quoted and used for drawing attention to its source.

news day evaluation


1.we worked on a fire in Bodmin

2.i liked interviewing Steve king the best

3.i least enjoyed the planning 

4.i learnt more editing skills 

5.i learnt that all the news is owned by only a handful of people 

6. i would wear a hat in interview

magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...