music magazines🪓


Monday 17th April

genres of music 








Oasis usually target football casuals and the people of the 80s

The stars look young with casual clothes and stereotypically messed up hair with glasses. in this band oasis we see that they break this stereotype of the messy hair as they actually look smart.

Typically they have loud voices to match the loud instruments in the music

They sing about love,life styles and social concerns


.Pop stars are usually wearing up to trend clothes and always keeping up with the fashion.

They usually sound high pitched

They sing about love,the world,and past experiences 


Drill artists usually wear tracksuits, all black

They have a deep voice 

They sing about there area and there opps 


Monday 15th May

Music magazines 

The first magazine is the genre of emo/rock. We an see this by the font used, this is font is made to look like blood dripping down the cover.The colour used is also red which we connotate with death.Another way we can tell the genre of this cover is the dark grey bleek colours used to portray the ideas of sad/emo characteristics.Also the main easiest way we can tell is by the main image.This image shows us the misce on scene chosen for the artist outfits and how it shows us the genre of the music. 

Typography-looking at the writing style
layout-where it is on the page
lexis-the words that are used 
colour palette-colours used to create a genre/style
mise en scene-outfit choice

in the Katy perry magazine we see a bight joyful colour pallet used to reflect on Katy Perry bright colourful ,joyful choice of mise en scene such as flowers and a loral dress seen in the main cover image.

in the gangsta one we see the slang lexis used to portray the gangsta's vocabulary and the way he talks.

lots of bright colours

big text


big font

Monday 19th June

.sophisticated color palette
.age 15-34
.classic costume

MOJO Audience

L/O: to explore and define the magazines target audience 

1.MOJO creates punchy, energetic production music that's brimming with percussive personality, driving bass lines, and experimental guitar riffs. Their sound is alive with the vibrancy of street music, yet refined by exceptional production quality, and authentic indie-rock attitude.

2.MOJO - Brands - Bauer Media.

3.The magazine was designed to appeal to the 30 to 45-plus age group, or the baby boomer generation.


.The most successful magazines during the time of intense competition from online media have been at the quality ends of the market such as the luxury brands.

mojo covers established and current artists.

every month mojo brings you a definite over feature on the iconic act.


lower class read weeklies
higher class read monthlies


4x more men read mojo than women

about 65 percent of readers are over 35

they could be entertained by reading something of there interest. such as dave loves music so he will be entertained when he is reading about the latest hits and artists.

Monday 11th September

. I think drake is a male icon for the music he makes.
.Also, some women find him attractive making him both male and female icon.

sophisticated, posh female

active audience-a magazine audience is active because they decide what part of the magazine they are going to read and also have to turn the page when needed to. They also get to decide what magazine they are going to read.

uses and gratifications 

personal identity 
social interaction

this shows madonnas personal identity by having a cross hanging from her nose, this shows her rebellion identity.

the information u can get from a contents page is what is going on , who is featuring.

it shows us comedy , gossip , and attractive stars. 

offers a social interaction through gossip , debates and what goes on and to possibly talk about whos featuring and what albums have been shown, also talk about the free gift.

Monday 9th October1.costumes, props. the shots are placed together angles, movements
4.non diegetic sound, diegetic sound
5.linear story

music industry

Q4 Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from the mojo magazine

black and white -older-classic artist-seriousness
close up-facial expressions- reveal emotions 

The representation in the mojo magazine are that of a depressed person with a troubled past choosing his path. We can see this through the words "saving his soul". The colour choice of black and white and the close up shot reveals his emotions and shows seriousness.

Analyse the representation of age or gender.

the representation of gender is clear in the use of media language through the close up shot and the dark colours surrounding the man. This shows him to be masculine and portraying the stereotypical man. 
The misce on scene used to put the man in masculine clothes to again represent his gender

Monday 13th November

Do now

1. The BBC
2. The tv license
3. Ofcom
4. Public service broadcasting for the benefit of the public 
5.commercial and PSB

commercial is to make money from adverts

24th October released. 

songs and cover:   
 Dive her song, cover Beyonce- Cuff it.

guest info: Olivia Dean, age 24, her first solo on live lounge

quotes from the show to remember
'collab' slang

appeal to the TA 

inform entertain educate

cutting edge 

who does it appeal to ? it appeals to 15-29 year olds

how does it appeal ?

 by playing new artists and the use of slang

which kind of audience are targeted here ?


how is commercial radio different 

commercial radio use there station to create money by using adverts 

who are there audience 

commercial audience is a mass audience 

how do they appeal to the audience

they play the latest songs 

 how does this meet the remit

she was entertaining , she also got interviewed and was singing songs that that target audience would like .

Monday 20th November


1.magazine, music , vid , radio 
3.type of fonts , style idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
5. more gender equality, multicultural society,

Music Industry

L:O:to explore the exam style questions for music magazine and music video

 female-young-revealing-mid shot
2.yellow-warm-saturated-golden-respect and wealth
3.sans serif- modern - lower case -colloquial- informal-


1.male, young, covered suits ,mid shot, no direct address, action shot, no sexualization of men
2.saturated, bright , rainbow, psychedelic nature of the 60s
3.sans serif, clean , upper case , shouting , shows a sophisticated interest in music
4.cluttered layout- lots of information 

In both of the magazines the people on the main covers are young however the genders are different. For Shakira she is wearing revealing clothes witch is juxtaposed to the Beatles where they are wearing highly covering suits.The sexualization of women is shown in the Shakira poster which is again opposed to the Beatles. Both posters use warm saturated colour pallets  to attract audiences. Both posters are n a clean san serif text however the Beatles poster have a more cluttered and packed front cover which juxtaposes the simple, relaxed Shakira poster. in conclusion there are similarities and differences in these two magazines to equally reach out to there target audience.

Music video  

1. popular group , jokes- respected
2geeks- not respected - bullied - victims 

1. rebellion- fun-energetic-teenagers represented 
2 Female lead- juxtaposition of the 'normal' male role

Monday 22nd January

November PPE


Q3.Link positive themes such as youth or romance to the artists to promote them


age 'hes old, she's young ''

Q5. The media language used is very different which creates different messages 

body language 





  1. 17/4- Good work today- capital letters in your notes and the last paragraph plenary completed please.

  2. 20/11- Really good points here, T: 3. Another analysis paragraph needed for your response from the notes we made. You need to make sure that you fully explain as much as you can so that can achieve the highest marks.


magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...