course work

 Wednesday 10th May


to research codes and conventions of similar products 

  am creating a front magazine cover and double page spread

1.they include fitness and mens health


3.usually blue and red of the cover and a bald font

6.usually 2-5

7. barcode is usually in the bottom corners 

8.3-4 different fonts used depending on the masthead and cover lines


10.laid out with two pages usually 2 images on each side and text



13.text is organised into rows and long paragraphs

Wednesday 14th June

my magazine ideas


i want to take a photo like this 

name- fitness in football


Wednesday 13 September

coursework review

its going to have a big masthead and a banner on top of these big mastheads. With cover lines goinng down the side .

ill make my genre clear by using photos of in shape footballers 

my dps is going to be about how teenagers can get in good shape whilst maintaining a good diet to perform at there best for the season.

Wednesday 04th October

Wednesday 30th October

1. medium shot , close up etc

2. design style of the text.

3. the colours thats are used throughout the cover

4. words used in cover lines

5. name of the magazine

1. babyboomer- a person born in the years following world war two when there was an increase in birth rates .

2.diversification- the process of varying products

3.audience address- how the text speaks to the audience 

4.discerning- having or showing good judgement style- presentation of written material

  • codes (eg sounds, spelling and grammar)
  • agreed systems for communicating (eg names of things and of actions, logos, camera angles, tone of voice etc),
  • conventions, shared and habitual ways of using these systems (eg. paragraph structure, genre, framing of images, dramatic gestures etc).

the relationship between texts, especially literary ones.

how you place your text eg cover lines 

  1. the style and appearance of printed matter.
    • the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it.

  2. colour pallet is what colours u have used to link to the theme of the magazine 
image is a photo

Wednesday 1st November

Article writing

LO: to create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine using appropriate language tone and representation

.Alessandro is on my cover 

.the article is about fitness in football

.the images are going to be of people playing football and recovery photos

.the font will be different to the front cover

Cody lang the teenage boy who loves football just as much as you ! in the article it shows young footballers how to become a whole new footballer for the better! we will be giving new tips such as meal prepping , recovery , cardio , dribbling , and many more. We will also show some tips and equipment to get when first starting football to start off on a high.

1 comment:

    Some basic research into conventions but analysis is missing


    A good start - I like the masthead
    Think about your image for your cover - the conventions is to see the front of a person!


magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...