lego movie

 14th september 

L:O to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie 



cloud cookie land 

old west

miiddle zealand 


wonder women

green lantern

lando carlissian


Wednesday 21st September

1. the context of the film is a kid playing in his dads basement on his lego world. However we see that whatever the kid does on the lego land happens to the characters in there real world. We see that the dad is the lord business and the son is the construction worker and the son {construction worker} wants the dad {lord business} to not use the kragle on the lego world. 

2.the main message is that you don't aways have to be the bad guy

The Lego movie is a celebration of the untrammled imagination the urge to have fun jumbling ideas together and finding meaning in the mess, however unconventional. It's a quintessentially childlike sensibility, and one we could all use a bit more of.


                                                                         industry research

lo: to research the process companies and regulators behind the film industry 

1. The Lego movie is a celebration of the untrammeled imagination, the urge to have fun jumbling ideas together and finding meaning in the mess, however unconventional. It's a quintessentially childlike sensibility, and one we could all use a bit more of. conglomeratemedia group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as musictelevisionradiopublishingmotion picturestheme parks, or the Internet

3.The film industry in the UK is regulated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The BBFC is responsible for classifying films that have a cinema and DVD release.

4. U

5. the Video Standards Council

6. pegi 7

7.Lin Pictures were the primary production company on The Lego Movie and Warner Bros. acted as the distributors.

8. phil lord and chris miller 

9.TT Fusion

10.Interactive Entertainment (WBIE) in November 2007, making WBIE the primary publisher for Lego games.

11.The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

Wednesday 28th September


. classify products

. ensures that the content meets acceptable standards 


There are lots of fight sequences in which the good characters take on various baddies, including Lego robots and Lego skeletons. The Lego figures kick and punch at each other, while leaping around in fantastical style. Very few of the blows are clearly seen to land and all the action involves toy figures rather than humans. Occasionally the heads of the Lego figures pop off during fights, and one character's head is knocked off by a flying coin but continues to talk to his friends. Other sequences have science fiction space ships and robots shooting laser beams at others, causing explosions and crashes. No one is seen to get hurt and the fact that all the fighting involves animated toy figures means that the fantasy nature of the violence is very clear.

the fact that it got given a U means that it can reach any sort of audience of any age 

1. it is important for these regulations to exist so these films don't reach vulnerable people.

5. i think they wanted a U so that more people could watch it of any age group so they could get more views.

vertical integration is very beneficial because if you needed to pay people to buy into there gaming company/ merchandise  company etc then you  would have to share profits with the owner of that company,however if you  own these yourself you  will not have to pay anyone and your profit will all be going back to you witch will obviously increase your profits.

vertical integration also helps the exposure of the brand because there logon would be all over these companies  instead of a shared one this will make people recognise the brand and become bigger 

                              narrative theory
Wednesday 5th October
in the lego movie we see things that come under post modernism. we see this when the film goes from a animation to a real life scene this is hyper reality that makes us aware that we are watching a film. The lego movie also uses pastiche this is when something imitates other texts and a humorous

take on society we see this happening throughout lego movie one example is when emit is shocked by the price of a coffee.

equilibrium:emit is working on the site everyone is happy emit getting up ready for work
disruption: lord business plans to stick everyone with kragel 
recognition of disruption: emit recognises that this is going to happen and decides to tell people 
attempt to solve: the master builders attempt to solve these problems by going to lord businesses headquarters
new equilibrium: everything is back to normal  

the hero-emmet-stops the kragel
the villain-lord business- trying to stick everyone
the donor-Vitruvius- helps emmet be a master builder 
the helper - wild star - supports emmet through the disruption
the princess- wild star - helps emmet through the disruption 
the dispatcher- Vitruvius-sends emmet on a mission
the princess father -Vitruvius- gives tasks to the master builders
the false hero- batman- doesn't do much   
Wednesday 12th October
target audience
lo:to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics 
The lego movie appeals to many different members of society we see this with all the variety of different characters and the different worlds throughout the lego movie this emphasises the fact that it is all about imagination witch is aimed at the parents. teens would also like to go and watch this for the action and the action type scenes.We also see the children side of this film because the children would love the type of characters such as uni kitty and emmet they will like these characters because of there exciting characteristics and role in the movie.

1.they go to laugh, to cry, to get angry, sad, elated and experience the millions of shades of emotion that lie in between these broad categories. In short, people watch films to feel.hey go to laugh, to cry, to get angry, sad, elated and experience the millions of shades of emotion that lie in between these broad categories. In short, people watch films to feel.
2.As humans, we’re constantly questioning which of those categories we fit into – and the underlying discourse within The Lego Movie forces us to ask questions not only of the characters and the storyline, but of ourselves. The result is a resonance that drills the brand into a deep level of our psyche that’s rarely visited by commercial content.
3.he Lego Movie has a very clear idea of who it’s speaking to – or, in harsher terms, its target market – as it bids to increase its standing among kids (the players), parents (the buyers) and other adults (the nostalgists).

In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network. It is an analogy for the way a strong central pole provides a stable structure to a tent.
the lego movie was this because it was made for everyone 
the benefits are they made a lot of money 
Wednesday 19th October
LO:to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie;to link the methods used to target audience 
.bill boards
.back of bus
.trailers on tv
.film posters
.social media  
.sticker book
.lego movie figures
.17 lego world sets 
.the lego movie collaborated with mc Donald's because they put mini figures in happy meals 
.they released a new character poster every week 
.video game released on 4th February
in dancing on ice 7:27pm on Sunday the 9th February 2014 ITV broadcast a world first,an ad break made entirely out of lego.
British heart foundation,,BT and premier inn all paid for there ads to be made into lego 
The lego movie took over all tv for 3 minutes and over 6 million people watched it at once and an additional 1.1 million watched after on youtube within a week.they put these ads on at 7;27pm on a Sunday during dancing on ice they did this because they know lots of families will be watching this This is super successful because they got over 7.1 million views within a week cost free.this means that they didn't pay the peoples ads they took over but also gained these views witch will then lead to the WB making extra money from the people tweeting and making the ads go world wide 

Wednesday 2nd November
the lego movie trailer

warner bros wanted there lego made out of lego because its the lego movie where its a whole lego world so it would make sense to make the logo out of lego.
they show the logo at the start because people associate WB with good films so they are more likely to watch the trailer

equilibrium:emit sat on his sofa watching tv
disruption:lord business says everyone will be put to sleep 
recognition:lord business threatens to ruin taco Tuesday with kragel
attempt to solve:they get into lord business warehouse and try to stop the kragel 

they need to be shown so quickly because they need more time to show the action and drama what makes the film look more interesting.
they show the disruption fast because the younger kids just want to see action and the best parts of the film. show the features of the characters show the different locations that will be in the film. will make it intense and show some of the main characters
1. the dialogue tells us what is going on in the film gives the impact of action and fighting going on in the film creates a intense atmosphere throughout the trailer  
1.they make the length of the clips fast so they can show lots of clips and make it intense 
2.this film appeals to parents because its a treat for the kids during half time 
3. shows the different worlds through the movie 
2.the bright colours would attract the younger generation
3.we can see what role they will be playing in the movie

Wednesday 9th November
explain how the lego movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target different audiences. 
In the lego movie we see many different media language used throughout.One in particular is the colour pallet that was used through many scenes. the colour pallet was bright,explosive and would intrude the younger generations imagination. this colour pallet was used also to attract the younger generation whilst watching the trailer. we know this because if the trailer was displayed with a dull black and white colour pallet the kids wouldn't have an attraction to it.that is the reason for these bright colours displayed in the trailer. 
however,we see another type of media language shown to attract everyone in the trailer.this is diegetic sound witch was used in the lego movie to create an intense atmosphere through the trailer. this would instantly attract people because whilst showing the most action packed clips this intense music would keep them even more on the edge of there seat making them want to go watch it in the cinema  

video game 

1.TT games 

TT fusion 

2.Warner bros 

3.14th february 2014

4. action

5..iOS Microsoft Windows Nintendo 3DS OS X PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One

5. multiplayer 

1. star wars 

benefits of simultaneous releases 

profit maximised


extends pleasure of the film 

cross promotion


uses and gratifications 

it offers social interaction because u can play with people 

it offers entertainment because its fun

it offers personal identity because u can change characters 

the game trailer shows entertainment by playing games and having fun on the game 

it also shows social interaction because it mentions u can play with friends 

poster campaign 

Wednesday 16th November


a man in a suit

a building on fire 



broken city


the dark colour pallet connotes with death and destruction

the fire connotes with action and intensity 

in the lego movie game trailer we see all sorts of different props and colours  appealing to  different target audiences. We see the electric blue and emit holding a spanner,this could show us that some part of this game could be aimed at boys for example the spanner connotes that you could be fixing things or putting things together.this would attract boys at the age of around 7 to 10 because they will also see the police in the background in the direction of emit which shows us that the game will be filled with action and will attract this target audience.

However the biggest part that catches your eye straight away is mr lord business who is heading towards emit.this will catch the target audiences eye instantly.They will be intrigued by this because the colour red that lord business is wearing connotes anger and fighting. people will want to play this because from what you can see from the poster is a clash between the two big  characters.

We also see at the front of the poster Wyldstyle, this would attract the teen girls  who will see this poster.This is because of how she dresses and looks. she wore the clothes and had the hair that was in trend at the time of release. This would also target girls because Wyldstyle is a main character and one of the few girls in the game.

At the end of this we see the WB purposely adding all different different characters to attract different target audience. They do this so many different people in society will watch this which will then lead to more profit for them.

Wednesday 23rd November

in the LM poster, we can see there is a image of batman and also an image of uni kitty.The warner bros have done this to juxtapose the ideas of the younger generation.The warner bros have shown batman to attract the boys side of the target audience.However,they made sure to add a girl like character like uni kitty to attract not just boys but also girls.

We also see in the lego movie poster that the warner bros have included two of the main characters at the front of the poster. We can see this because emmit and wyldstyle are both at the front. The WB have made sure the two big characters in the movie are the opposite genders. They do this so it can again attract both sides of the target audience. We can see that Wyldstyle could attract the teenagers of the target audience. We know this because the WB have purposely portrayed wyldstyle as the trendy girl in the movie.

However we can also see the different type of colour pallets the warner bros have purposely added.We can see the colour of neon blue that connotes to the genre of sci-fi that is in the movie.On the other hand we can see the orange and the red in the fire.This shows us that the movie is also action and both types of different genres. The sci-fi genre could attract boys and the older side of the target audience this is because of the bright colours of blue usually stereotypes boys. Therefore the colours of orange and red connote to action and fire. These colours would attract all of the target audience but mostly teens.

 We also see at the top of the lego movie poster the tagline that quotes "the story of a nobody who saved everybody" .This would inspire Parents to take their children to go and watch this because the quote shows us that you dont need to be anyone special to help people. This would be a good story to show the children to help people out. 

Wednesday 30th November



use accurate spelling,punctuation and grammar 

explain why certain elements of media language appeal to the TA

use the peel structure to structure your analysis 

use connotations to explain the appeal 



lo to analyse the representations throughout the lego movie promotional campaign 




eye lashes





Wednesday 7th December

my five characters 

1. The first character is called Jago is a geek who likes to wear his home made sheep costume on non school uniform day and gets sheep noises shouted at him all the time. jago is gay and disabled 

2.The second character is Harry he plays football and is nicknamed villager because of his big nose. he is Jagos boyfriend and are both known as the gay couple.

3.  Big john is the class clown the ladies love him as much as he loves chinese. bosh 

4. Alessandro. He is the school bully and is a Jew and is dating sasha may{the popular girl} 

5.Sasha may. is the other school bully however she is a girl and gets followed around by her nittys 

in the lego movie poster we see age is represented in lots of different ways . One of the ways is the WB have purposely gave Vitruvius white long hair with a beard that he hasn't shaved. They have done this to support the stereotype of an old wise man.We can also see wrinkles around Vitruvius eyes this shows how he is ageing and his "old wise man' stereotype.

However we can also see the WB presenting young characters in a different way. For an example we see wyldstyle dressed in a colourful tracksuit with dyed hair. This also supports the stereotype of a young girl with a "gothic" style in the time the film was made . The WB have purposely done this to attract the girls of this time to watch the film and to also juxtapose the characters wyldstyle (young girl) and Vitruvius (old man ).

On the other hand, we see lord  business who is presented as a middle aged man who hasnt aged as much as the oldest character Vitruvius lord business has still been presented with with wrinkles and a aged face. The warner bros  have done this to get more people in the target audience to gain more views fore the film.

Wednesday 4th January

put it all together

the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)

Ofcom is the regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) 

IPSO is the regulator of press standards for the majority of the UK's newspapers and magazines,

The Games Rating Authority (GRA) – which is part of the Video Standards Council 

Wednesday 18th January


 for Q6 i need to revise factual information and definitions of words and terminology

for Q7 i need to remember to fully explain both answers

for Q8 i need to explain  further to how the warner bros target the target audience 

vertical integration increases profit because instead of paying other companies to do the producing,distributing,exhibiting, work for you instead you will own these companies yourself therefore you will save money which will add to your profit.

Vertical integration also increases exposure to the brand because if you had other companies doing work for you, there logo would also be all over your film however if its just the Warner Bros logo over all of the film the logo would become very recognisable and known.

 Monday 22nd January 


tt fusion 



release video game first different audience interested and know the characters 


intro to characters     


  1. Good notes Cody - you clearly understand the target audience, its appeal & the industry elements.

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer with strong explanations

    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: don't use text speak - spell words in full please

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent Cody!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: add another - explain why parents would want their kids to watch a movie with that tagline


magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...