lights camera action

 LO: to apply narrative theory to our own ideas 

lights camera action 

1 sex in the city 





todorov narratives

equilibrium Equilibrium is a 2002 American science fiction action film written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, and starring Christian Bale, Emily Watson, and Taye Diggs.disruption

recognition of disruption realise what the equilibrium is

attempt to solve disruption solve what the equilibrium was 

new equilibrium  a the end there is always a happy ending

fast and furious 

task 1 

equilibrium: group of football boys at training 

disruption: a old man recording them 

recognition: they kick a ball over then see him 

attempt to solve disruption: they call the police 

new equilibrium: they go back to paying football 


Monday 15th November 

to explore the use of camerawork in films 

                                                           extreme close up

close up

                                     mediam close 

                                    long shot 

                                             establishing shot

                                         ariel shot 

                                       low angle 

                                             high angle 

                       canted angle 

                                               pov shot 

                                         over the shoulder shot

: extreme close up shots show u the detail of the photo 

:Medium close up shots include a character from the shoulders/chest area up to the top of the head; this shot is tighter than a medium shot, but slightly wider than a close up (as with all shots that use the human body for reference, the cutoffs between them are not strictly defined).

:Like the close up, the medium close up showcases the face of a subject, letting audiences see small nuances of behavior and emotion while eliciting a higher degree of identification and empathy; the slightly wider framing also lets body language convey meaning by the inclusion of a character's shoulders.

:A long shot or wide shot is all about characterization and can set a strong tone for a photo or movie. Using a long shot, you can capture the entire subject from head to toe. In photography and videography, long shots are one of the best ways to define the subject you're shooting in relation to their background.

In filmmaking and television, an establishing shot lets the audience know the setting for the scene they're about to watch. Setting includes place and often time—both time of day and potentially time in history.

What does an aerial shot do? Well, for the most, these shots help the film's director and cinematographer establish or mark the area that the character inhabits (or is about to). Most aerial shots are so powerful that they tend to make their way to the movie's poster.

A low-angle shot in a film can convey a number of emotions or feelings about the subject in the frame. It can also break up the visuals, adjusting the feeling and mood of a scene.

A high angle shot looks down at the subject from a higher perspective and can convey information or elicit an emotional response from the audience. It is one of many camera angles that filmmakers can use to contribute to the story they are telling in a film.

camera movement

A pedestal is when you move the camera vertically up or down while it is fixated in one location. This term came from the use of studio cameras when the operators would have to adjust the pedestal the camera sat on to compensate for the height of the subject.

Panning is when the camera is moved horizontally from one side to another on a central axis. This is a rotating movement in which the camera's position remains in place, but the direction that it faces changes.

A dolly shot is one in which the camera moves toward or away from the subject you're shooting.

medium shot 

full shot 

medium long shot

establishing shot

pov shot 

low angle shot

questions on trailer 

4 both 

3 long shot on bike 

11 they change faster as it gets more tense 

 29th november        setting and colour 

l/o: to explore the use of setting and colour in films 

1. because no one can help u if someone hurts you 

2.there is lots of places to cause disaster and more people and danger 

3. because seaside is known as a romantic

4. so you can explore more places and show different scenes 

5. so you can do experiments in the lab happened in a city, a forest, a desert 

2. because there are lots of buildings and people there to make it more tense 

3.  they switch when the scene changes 

4. they can affect them by making them sad or happy

5.because of the establishing shot 

6. it could of but it wouldnt be as good because the city is  where the action is taking place 

7. yes in the city because of the people and the buildings 

8.its set in the future because of the big plains and helicopters 

9.they use dark colours to make it tense 

10. yes bright colours can make a character look happy 

11. they are important because they show a characters emotions 

12. it wouldnt of been as good because it wouldnt show the mod of the scene 

1.  i am legend        shows us that its a action film because he has a gun on his back 

2. 28 days later       i think it is a horror because of the  colour 

3. raiders                 it looks like a comedy / action  because of fire and the character is smiling 

i think the colours should be black and red because the colour black shows us death and the colour red shows blood and virus i would also use  a science lab full of chemicals witch can show that they  was caused to create the virus that wiped the universe out 

lo: to explore different syles of  photography 


it would of been better if the lighting was good and my hans wasn't so shaky so it wasn't so blurry  

1.looking down 

take more time 

2. looking up

i like this photo and nothing wrong with it

3. jumping photo

4.hand signs

10th january 2022 

to explore the use of sounds in films 

1 horror -ambient 

2- action-fast  

diegetic-sounds you would hear if you were in the scene e.g. someone speaking footsteps, music on a radio

non diegetic-sounds that only the audience can hear eg narratation , internal dialogue . music










non diegetic 


sound effects 




foley is the reproduction of everyday sounds for use in filmmaking

these reproduced sounds can be anything from swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors

gunshots shouting clicking door shut blind lifted   telephone    footsteps   speaking   box open     dog bark    panting    huffing    

matrix questions 

  1. yes
  2. tense 
  3. when the scene changes 
  4. goes black
  5. yes 
  6. yes
  7. deep voices 
  8. maybe this isnt the same 
  9. yes
  10. gunshots

futureistic music with alien sounds and computers glass smashing

i can tell by jones that he has been in the hot weather in a jungle and been on a lot of adventures 

i can tell by the girl that she loves to impress and loves going out for parties 

i can tell by joker that he is a bit crazy by his hair and doesn't  care what he looks like he looks old by his clothes 

3 facial expressions and body language 

in the first photo it seems very formal with candles and a family eating 

in the second it seems very sweaty and angry and maybe been fighting 

high key lighting is when the light is bright and giving off happy emotions 

low key is when the lights is dark and giving off a depressing emotion     

it suggest sad and and angry 

5. positioning of people and objects 

in the first photo they are not sat next to each other on purpose this shows some sort of argument 

in the second photo they are shoulder to shoulder this suggest they are a team 

Monday 7th February 

lights camera action

L:O to experiment with foley and sound effects 

1 setting and props :  shows us the scene is in a much older time with bland colours showing us this scene might be serious 

2 costume hair and makeup: the hair and makeup shows us the two men on the side are some type of guards of royal members and the man in the middle is maybe a pirate 

 3 the facial expresions shows this is a serious situation but with a calm cooled character in the middle 

4 the lighting shows this may be a area with a villain in the movie with dark lighting show a scary feel to it 

5 the positioning the characters show us the man in the middle is a prisoner 

creative task

1 setting and props : the setting is a lab witch will have test tubes dissection table  

props:hasmat microscopes robot 

2 costume and hair : they could be wearing chemistry suits in all white    with there hair tied up 

3 facial expressions : they could have a confused face with a myserious look on there face 

4 the lighting could show the bright blue lab with futureistic tech

 clip 1

a tv 

teeth brushing 

toilet flush

coffee making


fridge door 


draw open 

spreading jam 

sliding milk 

the footsteps worked well because u could hear them clearly

Monday 28th February 

LO:to explore the disaster movie genre 

disaster movie 

the impossible

In 2004, Doctor Maria Bennett, her husband Henry, and their three sons Lucas, Thomas, and Simon go on a Christmas holiday to Khao LakThailand. Arriving on Christmas Eve, they settle in and begin to enjoy the brand new Orchid Beach Resort. Two days later on Boxing Day, the massive Indian Ocean tsunami inundates the area.

Maria and Lucas eventually emerge from the swirling water and find one another, with Maria having sustained serious injuries to her leg and chest. They help a toddler, Daniel, from the wreckage and are soon found by locals who dress and transfer them to a hospital in the city of Takua Pa. Daniel is separated from them during the journey. At the hospital, Maria encourages Lucas to help others find their family members while she goes into surgery for her chest injuries.

Meanwhile, Henry and the two younger boys have also survived and are together. Henry leaves Simon and Thomas with another family who are then taken to the mountains for safety by local relief crews. Henry stays behind to search for Maria and Lucas in the resort's rubble. While out looking, injured and alone, he is picked up by a passer-by and driven to a nearby bus station with other survivors. Communication facilities are scarce, but a European tourist named Karl, who has also been separated from his family, lends Henry his cell phone to contact his relatives in England. Henry promises Maria's father he will look everywhere for his family and that he will find them. Karl volunteers to accompany Henry to look for Maria and Lucas as well as his own family, who were at the beach when the tsunami hit.

While Maria is in surgery, her medical chart is mixed up with a patient named Muriel Barnes, who has died. Lucas returns to find his mother's bed empty and is then taken to a tent where children without families are kept safe. The mistake is discovered when Lucas cannot identify any of the dead woman's jewelry and he is subsequently reunited with his mother, who had been moved to a private room in the ICU. While he waits in the hospital, Lucas finds Daniel, who has been reunited with his father.

Henry and Karl search for their families in various places before they arrive at the hospital, where Henry is given five minutes to look. Karl gives him a piece of paper with the names of his family members. A vehicle carrying Thomas and Simon also stops outside the hospital, and the boys get off so Simon can urinate. From a distance, Lucas recognizes his father, and while searching for him in the chaotic crowd outside, Lucas's brothers spot him and they reunite. Henry finds the three of them together. He learns that Maria is in the hospital, ready to undergo more surgery for her leg. As the anesthesia puts her to sleep, Maria experiences flashbacks of how she came to be injured and how she surfaced the water. While she is in surgery, Lucas tells Henry he has something really important to tell Maria.

The following day, the family boards an ambulance airplane to Singapore so Maria may receive further medical treatment. A representative from their insurance company, Zurich Insurance, assures them everything will be taken care of as Lucas sees countless people outside the hospital looking through patient lists. On the plane, Lucas tells his mother that Daniel is safe with his father. Maria cries and looks out the window at the chaos left behind as the plane takes off.

the disaster is when a tsunami hits japan and a family is stranded 

1. female

2.the female 

3.natural disaster

4.the impossible 

5.all of them

6.they all have to overcome something 



2.the imposible 

3. natural disaster 



6.they all have to come together 

Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who also co-wrote, co-edited, and produced the film. It stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as American astronauts who are stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their Space Shuttle, and attempt to return to Earth.

Cuarón wrote the screenplay with his son Jonás and attempted to develop the film at Universal Pictures. Later, the distribution rights were acquired by Warner Bros. PicturesDavid Heyman, who previously worked with Cuarón on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), produced the film with him. Gravity was produced entirely in the United Kingdom, where British visual effects company Framestore spent more than three years creating most of the film's visual effects, which involve over 80 of its 91 minutes.

Gravity opened the 70th Venice International Film Festival on August 28, 2013, and had its North American premiere three days later at the Telluride Film Festival. Upon its release, Gravity was met with widespread critical acclaim, with praise for its direction and visuals. Considered one of the best films of 2013, it appeared on numerous critics' year-end lists, and was selected by the American Film Institute in their annual Movies of the Year list.[6] The film became the eighth highest-grossing film of 2013 with a worldwide gross of over $723 million, against a production budget of around $100 million.

The film earned accolades from numerous critics and guilds. At the 86th Academy AwardsGravity received ten nominations, including Best Actress for Bullock and Best Picture, and won seven awards, including Best DirectorBest Original ScoreBest Cinematography, and Best Visual Effects. The film was also awarded six BAFTA Awards, including Outstanding British Film and Best Director, the Golden Globe Award for Best Director, seven Critics' Choice Movie Awards, the 2013 Ray Bradbury Award,[7] and the 2014 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.

the disaster is when a spaceman gets stranded in space 

the tunnel 






6.they all come together

The Tunnel (French: Tunnel) is a British-French crime drama television series adapted from the 2011 Danish-Swedish crime series The Bridge (Bron/Broen). The series began broadcasting on 16 October 2013 on Sky Atlantic in the UK, and on 11 November 2013 on Canal+ in France. The series stars Stephen Dillane and Clémence Poésy as British and French police detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wassermann. The plot follows the two detectives working together to find a serial killer who left the upper half of a French politician and the lower half of a British prostitute in the Channel Tunnel at the midpoint between France and the UK. The killer is nicknamed the "Truth Terrorist" and is on a moral crusade to highlight many social problems, terrorising both countries in the process. As the series progresses, the killer's true intention is revealed.

The Anglo–French adaptation of The Bridge was announced as a joint project between Sky and Canal+ in January 2013. Tunnel head writer Ben Richards worked with Hans Rosenfeldt, the creator of the original series. Due to the setting, the dialogue of the series is bilingual, a first for a British / French television co-production. Filming took place between February and August 2013 with a budget of £15 million, and was shot on location in Kent, England and Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France. It was produced with both British and French crew members. The premieres on both Sky Atlantic and Canal+ received strong ratings for the respective channels, with an initial consolidated figure of almost 900,000 in the UK and 1.3 million in France. Critical reception of the series has been generally positive, with Dillane and Poésy's acting being praised, as well as the plot's grittiness. Some reviewers made favourable comparisons with The Bridge, though others criticised The Tunnel for being identical. The producers admit that the first episode is a copy of the original.

On 16 February 2015, Canal+ and Sky Atlantic announced that a second series would begin production in March,[2] set to air in early 2016, entitled The Tunnel: Sabotage,[3] and consisting of eight episodes. Series 2 would focus on the crash of an airliner into the English Channel, with Dillane and Poésy returning;[4][5] it premiered on Canal+ on 7 March 2016.[6][7] The debut on Sky Atlantic was originally set for 5 April 2016 but was put off until a week later in deference to the Brussels terrorist attacks on 22 March 2016.[8] It premiered in the UK on 12 April 2016[9] and was made available via Sky's On Demand service.[10]

The renewal for a third and final series was announced on 20 January 2017[11][12] entitled The Tunnel: Vengeance and consisting of six episodes.[13] It began filming in March 2017[14] and premiered on Sky Atlantic on 14 December 2017, with all episodes released on the same day.[15][16] Canal+ did not announce a corresponding date for France at the time of the UK release.[17][a] Season 3 premiered on Canal+ on 4 June 2018.[19][20]

In the United States, the first season aired on many PBS stations from June through August 2016.[21] The second season was broadcast from June through August 2017.[22] The third season aired July through August 2018.[23

the disaster is a terrorist 

1. character

2.   setting

3. actions

4. props

5. colour 

6. narrative suggestions 

7. text elements 

8. other main character is a man who is a football hooligan 

2. the disaster is when he is watching a football match against a rival side and the rival fans chuck a smoke bomb at the home fans and they all set on fire 

3. the other three people are his mates who support the same team as him

4.the person who dies is one of his other mates who he wasnt so close with he gets killed by the rival fans so they go out for revenge 

5.there will be a huge fight at the train station between the two sides on the way home from the match

6.his mates are getting beaten up badly by the other fans somehow he manages to get them off and chase them away in his stone island and his gazelles and he gets his mates up and takes them to the nearest hospital

7.the closing scene is when they are at there home stadium and they beat there rivals 3-0

Monday 14th march 

LO: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

my disaster  movie

1. the day after tomorrow 

2.  2012 

3. the impossible 

4. war of the worlds 

5. godzilla 

6. twister

trailer 1 : 

1. character-a female main character 

2. setting- underwater 5 miles down 

3. actions-

4. props - diving suits 

5.colour - dark blue 

6. narrative- fix a ship 

trailer 2.

characters- husband and wife 

setting- on a oil rig

actions- the husband tries to save people from the disaster 

props -oil rig      computer   shark tooth

colour- dark blue and brown water

narrative  the husband tries to save the rest of the people on the rig

trailer 3  geo storm 

various police and ceos 

a city

the community tries to save the world

buildings  tech

 the colour was blue black and white 

the narrative is to save the world from killing disasters 

trailer 4 the impossible 

husband wife and kids 

japan holiday park 

the wife saves the kids 

wood cars broken ruble 


the wife saves family from tsunami 

trailer 5



the spaceship crashes 

spaceship    space suits 


a man was in space when ship crashes 

sheffield till i die main character is a man who is a football hooligan who hangs around with football gangs and hooligans who hate sheffield united players and fans so since they where always playing each other there was always fights    a fire starts as a fight breaks out between the two sets of fans the main character manages to save a united fan despite them being rivalries 

2. my film was set in the 90s in sheffield, rough areas with a lot of violence in with Wednesday supporters  and definitely no united supporters 

3.the overall mood is casual football hooligans who support sheffield Wednesday and have rivalry with sheffield united supporters [the steel city rivalry]

4. they should be close ups of fights and violence and show damage of the result of the fights 

5.the message is to show the violence between football rivalries and football hooligans 

1 a hero 

2 a problem 

3 life threatening disaster

4 family

5 world wide impact 

6 a city 

monday 28th   

 narrative theory 

lo: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 



my equilibrium is when he go to a football match and watching the game with his hooligan mates 

the disruption is when the pyro creates a fire at south stand they see it but however there at north stand so they do not worry 

however they see that the fire is starting to spread around the ground and people are leaving the ground 

he speak to some of the stewards and they advise them to leave 

by this time people are trying to leave the ground in a rush however some on fire many minutes later the fire was at there ground and it was so crowded not everyone could leave my main character was one of them him and his mates where trapped they had no exit there rival fans was blocking the exit laughing and recording jack gives him a crowbar to open up another blocked door . the door flung open and at least half of the people escaped . however the fans realised the other door and started to block it. his best mate is trying to kick the doors through and move the fans as well as the police the fire is getting closer as they do this but they just manage to get the fire exit open thanks to john and are freed  from the ground 

the hero-generally leads the narrative-john

the villain-struggles against the hero--sheffield united fans 

the donor-gives the hero something special ---jack

the helper-supports the hero---the crowd 

the princess-can take two forms-- john

the dispatcher-sends hero on a mission--Wednesday fans 

the princess father-gives tasks to the hero--Wednesday fans

the false hero-appears to act heroically and often mistaken for the real hero-jack 

the script writing and storyboarding

to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

this movie is a gang of football hooligans who like to fight there football rivalries in sheffield and in 1998 they drew each other in the fa cup as we could imagine this wouldn't end up well however the ground was filled with police after 35 minutes into the game sheffield wednesday scored and set of lots of smoke bombs witch ended up in a dramatic fire in the ground and as the united fans try to leave there rival fans wont let them out the ground so they are traumatically trapped in the fire until...

im hungry   

I've lost my cat

i am so tired

i am late for school

i am annoyed with her

Hillsborough Stadium

cody: (shouting in joy) yesssssssssssssss what a goal 

Alfie: what a goal,come on you bluesssssss

Cody points to the other side of the stadium.

cody: oi Alfie look over there theres a smoke bomb going off and its spreading on fire

Jago: oh no should we leave quick its coming our way.

 the fire had spread really far and the ref had called off the game and firefighters where on there way)

cody and his mates are trying to get out but the united fans wont let them out the doors

jago:i got a crowbar cody hit the door with it 

cody: come onnnnn (shouting in anger) open this door 

the door flys open and it ends up in a brawl outside the stadium 

23rd may 

create an advert 

make a game

rise of the foot soldier

Q1. where do u normally see film posters ?       we normally see film posters on billboards social media and busses 

Q2.what is the distributor trying to achieve ?         the distributor thinks about where to put it because he will want to put it where more people would see it 

Q3.    what information will be on film posters?

when it was released 

what genre it is 




as we can see all of these posters have the same look one main image with the title

they all have a bald font to catch your eye 

colours but enough to give a good look on the poster

they all give a hint of what the disaster could be

 this poster suggests that the narrative clue is that new York gets flooded by a tsunami they showed this by using the statue and a wave hitting it.  The poster  used a big font to catch your eye. they used a blue and green colour  pallet, to reflect the theme of water the quote "not another shallow" is a good quote because it shows that there is a flood and nothing is shallow so people are stranded in deep water.

Monday 13th Jun

lo: to create film marketing material 

movie marketing

there should be a main image, a title,a release date, a tagline,actors/directors names

monday 27th june

                                                                  top gun

they have included the action packed clips and intense music to create tensity for the person watching and voiceovers giving hints to the watcher 


  1. 29/11- Good notes- Target: 1. more detail in the settings for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22- Good start. T: 1. Cover all the shot styles.

  3. 24/1 Some good work, work on your layout and making sure your work is saved!

  4. 15/3- Good overall ideas. T 1. More detail in summary of your storyline and events.
    2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  5. 25/4- Good start. T 3. use the format of the script from my blog and extend your script, add the action sections.

  6. 27/6- Great start here, T: Add sound to the beginning frames and also don't forget your title slide and the release date.


magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...