Wednesday, September 29, 2021

theoretical framework

 l/O: to apply the theoretical framework to media texts 

Wednesday 29th September 

 media language 

all the different elements used to construct any media product 

establishing shot shows us where something is 

soundtrack : includes all of the sound heard in a film / tv show 

  • music
  • sound effects 
  • dialogue 
  • voiceover

diegetic sound will be heard if u are in that scene

non diegetic sound is added sounds over the top of something 

floor boards 






heavy breathing                                                             

  • editing includes : 
  • transitions
  • pace and speed of cuts 
  • cgi 
  • green screening 
  • graphics  


Monday, September 27, 2021

lights camera action












blue story


the producer of blue story is damian jones 

blue story was made in 2019

the genre is crime and drama 

the production companies are bbc films 

the start of the film is based in London preferably Peckham 

the middle of the film is where all the violence happens 

the end is sad because one of the main characters daughter died due to a rival gang shooting at him but accidentally killed the daughter 

narrative theory:toderov

equilibrium:the start of the film is based in London preferably Peckham 

disruption: two mates fall out 

recognition of disruption:one of the freinds realise that his friend was sleeping with his girlfriend 

attempt to solve disruption:they start a war and have a gang fight

new equilibrium


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

creating meaning

 Wednesday 22nd September 

L/O   to analyse texts using the correct terminology

 subject position

our subject position is everything that goes to make up what we are and where we fit in the world 

13 year old boy live in Bodmin and ride motocross and also play football 

:readers would look at this photo and be intrigued by the motocross bike 

:the reader would see the exciting cover and would want to read more

denotation: the dictionary definition 
connotation: the deeper meaning

1.denote=gun  connote=death injury injury power 

2.denote=clown   connote= scary fun entertainment 

3.denote=thore   connote= hammer death scary 

there is a person called bennet who recently broke his ankle and had to fight for the win of this race   

u can see how happy how they are 

in the background u can see that they are at a really dusty track 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

What is media

Wednesday 15th September 

LO : to discuss what media is and how important it impacts our lives 

.socail media 



.film media 


.streaming sites 

.chat rooms 




.text messaging 

.e books 


the purpose of media 

Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The term refers to components of the mass media communications industry, such as print media, publishing, the news media, photography, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), digital media, and advertising.

the main purpose of any media is to make money 

media and me 

favourite films :

:young offenders     :hush

tv shows  

:police interceptors 


:polo g 


:fifa    :gta      :sea of thieves 

social media

tiktok:    :snapchat   :youtube 

why did i choose media studies 

i like the internet and want to learn more about media studies 

is it what i thought it was 

yes it is what i thought it was 

media influence

media doesnt ifluence me at all but it changes peoples opinion on a lot of things including brexit

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magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...