Wednesday, October 20, 2021

careers behind the camera

 Wednesday 20th October 2021

1. C 

2. D

3. A

4. B 

LO: to explore possible film industry roles and career paths 

fast tense violence 

the part where it is most tense is when he is getting chased and shot at


7 cuts 

i agree with that statement because if there are more scenes the music gets faster witch makes the tense higher 

Monday, October 11, 2021


LO: to explore the use of characterization in a film 

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4  tom cruise 
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 Lionado 
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11  Daniel  Radcliff
  • 12  
protagonist [hero] 
antagonist  [villian]

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

media language analysis

 Wednesday 6th October 2021

LO:to analyse a media text using media language

in the no time do dir poster they have chosen a medium long shot this shows us what he is wearing. u can also see that he has a gun in his hand this shows that it could be a action type film . 

in this poster u can see that he his wearing a watch and army like clothes. this suggest that he will be fighting. also the title is "no time to die" this could link to that he is on a time limit 

also his facial expression shows that he looks serious 

  • guns 
  • motorbike
  • cars
  • talking
  • glass

this suggest that this film will be action witch includes lots of fighting 

as the trailer goes on the music gets faster so the scenes switch faster with the music 

Image link

wednesday 13th october

in this cover photo they used a medium long shot so u can see what they are wearing. the one on the right is wearing a bandana on his face this shows that he could be involved with gangs and the police 

also there backs are turned on each other this tells us that they could fall out with each other 

in the dune  trailer they used a lot of establishing shots so u can see what is happening and the background of where they are and you will be  able to see where the film x going to be set 

also in the dune trailer they used camera work effectively to show you the characters and what they look like this is called medium close up

magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...