Wednesday, March 23, 2022

practice news report

 Wednesday 23rd march

 there has been a fire at the historic newly built location Bodmin jail

this information was reported last night from a call at 11:15 

3 fire engines from Bodmin fire station attended 

6 people where rescued from this devastating scene without any injuries  

2 people taken to hospital 1 with serious burns 

police investigation to where the fire has started possibly the kitchen 

 the fire was extinguished this morning at 6:15am exactly 7 hours after the scene had been reported 

pc lang said "the damage to the local historic building is going to run into millions to clear up and re build"

38 seconds 

Wednesday 30th march

lo: to write an effective news report ; to practice interview questions 

Police investigating Bodmin fire that 'sounded like gunshots'

a fire witch was described by locals as sounding like "gunshots" is now being investigated 

by the police.

a car caught fire in burden close Bodmin last night.

seventeen 999 calls where made at 10:23 as flames where engulfing the vehicle. 

Worried locals took to social media to ensure no-one was injured as they could hear "what sounds like gunshots". Firefighters from the local station attended the scene. The fire is believed to have been started deliberately.

A spokesperson for Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service said: "At 22:23 we received the first of seventeen 999 calls reporting a vehicle on fire. An appliance was mobilised from Bodmin and arrived to find one vehicle well alight. Crews wearing breathing apparatus used two hose reel jets to extinguish the fire.

"The cause is believed to be arson and the incident has been handed over to Devon and Cornwall Police for further investigation. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 Wednesday 16th march

lo: to research news reporters

A stranger parked his car on a family drive for four days - and is believed to have taken a trip from a nearby airport - with police saying there is nothing they can do.

Zekarias Haile, 51, who lives with his wife and two children near Manchester Airport, believes the car belonged to a holidaymaker and said: "Someone, without my permission, had put the car there and they didn’t care.”

Zekarias found the grey Range Rover on the drive at the side of his home last Thursday - and it was still there four days later. Zekarias told the MEN : “I just went out and it was there. Then it was there Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. On Monday morning when we woke up it was gone.”

Zekarias called the police, who said it was not a criminal offence as his car, which he’d parked on the road, was not being blocked in. The unwanted vehicle restricted easy access to the garden and their bins.

Zekarias said: “I was very angry but I resisted doing anything to the car - just. I definitely didn’t feel all right about it. We couldn’t access our garden and we couldn’t take out our bins."

The family suspect that whoever left the Range Rover could have been working for a cowboy car park company.

Zekarias said: “A lady who was out the front when it was left told me the driver was wearing a high-viz jacket so I do believe it was one of those companies. My worry now is that, because I couldn’t do anything about it, it will happen again. There are rogue parking firms who claim they are meet and greet and they just park in our area. It’s a violation of my private property.”

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

what is news

 L/O: to explore the concept and format of news 

Wednesday 2nd march

To educate 

inform people 




types of news










historical news storys

world news 





L/O:to explore the validity to news storys and there origins 

fake news: false information used to shape your views opinions or ideas  

five examples of fake news

people use fake news to change peoples views on certain people and things 

how to spot fake news 

13 year old boys from cornwall robs the bookies with a armed gang in balaclavas and assaulted the workers with machetes and guns they then continue to take 35k from it and splash the cash on there social media whilst spending all the money on holiday no names have been found yet when they get caught they will not be allowed golden time for 2 weeks 

Wednesday 9th march

lo:to understand what news is and where to find it

straight to the point

must be important 

needs to be factual

is it true 

a lot of information 

must be new news 







magazine design

  Wednesday 29th June  LO:to create an effective magazine cover and DPS  using appropriate codes and conventions Wednesday 6th july Wednesda...